Treating BPH Symptoms with Alpha-Blockers

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Treating BPH Symptoms with Alpha-Blockers

Today we will begin our series exploring all of the treatment options available for men with benign prostate hyperplasia, also known as an enlarged prostate.

Here at MidAtlantic Vascular and Interventional, we specialize in treating an enlarged prostate through a procedure called Prostate Artery Embolization. Using state-of-the-art technology, this non-invasive outpatient procedure is done by our highly skilled expert radiologist, Dr. Rishi Sood.

Though we highly recommend a consultation to see if PAE would be best for your prostate condition, we also believe that it’s important to be informed as to all of the treatment options available. This way you can have an informed conversation with your doctor, and our team here at MidAtlantic Vascular and Interventional, in order to determine which treatment would be best for you.

Today we will begin by looking at medications used to treat an enlarged prostate, starting with the commonly used class of medications called Alpha-Blockers.

Alpha-Blockers are a type of blood pressure medication, that has been found to be useful in treating some of the symptoms of benign prostate hyperplasia. These medications work by “blocking” the hormone norepinephrine (also known as noradrenaline) and thereby prevent the muscles in the walls of veins and smaller arteries from constricting. In doing so, this allows these vessels to remain open and relaxed, and as a result, blood flow is improved and blood pressure is lowered.

Alpha-blockers can also be an effective medicine to treat some of the symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate. Due to their ability to relax the muscles in the prostate and around the bladder, men taking this medication may have an easier time urinating.  In fact, according to some studies, it is estimated that around 3 out of 5 men that take alpha-blockers find that their urinary symptoms improve within the first month of treatment.  Even better, for men that are responding well to the medication, alpha-blockers may continue to work for several years thereafter.

Alpha-Blockers typically work best for men experiencing moderate to severe benign prostate hyperplasia, and men who are experiencing the irregular flow of urine. By improving the flow of urine, alpha-blockers can also reduce the risk of bladder infections, urinary tract infections, and bacterial prostatitis.

Though alpha-blockers can help increase urine flow and relieve tension in the bladder neck and prostate, they do not cure an enlarged prostate. And, like all medicines, alpha-blockers do come with their side effects and risks.

In our next article, we will take a look at the most commonly prescribed alpha-blockers. And, we’ll look at the side effects and risks associated with alpha-blockers as well.

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