Uterine Fibroid Embolization Treatment in DC and Maryland

Living With and Treating Uterine Fibroid Embolization

Uterine fibroids or fibroids are noncancerous growths that originate from the muscle of the womb and can occur anywhere in the uterus. Approximately 80% of women are affected by fibroids, often experiencing symptoms like heavy bleeding, pain, and infertility.

If left untreated, fibroids can grow and increase in severity of symptoms and have other side effects. At Midatlantic, we can help you identify fibroids fast and direct you to the proper treatment.

doctor holding plastic model of uterus with fibroids throughout

Our team will talk to you about your options and help you identify the best path forward for you.

What Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

Uterine fibroid embolization is a medical procedure in which a catheter is inserted into the uterine artery to cut off blood supply to fibroids, reducing their size and painful symptomatology. Uterine fibroids are a common medical condition that affects women of all ages. Undergoing UFE can help reduce, if not completely eliminate the painful symptoms often associated with fibroids.

Benefits of Uterine Fibroid Embolization

In addition to being an outpatient procedure, UFE also offers the following benefits:

  • Short recovery period: Most patients are able to return to work one week after the procedure.
  • Minimally invasive: UFE utilizes a small incision to insert the catheter, usually in the upper thigh.

Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization Right for Me?

Most women are suitable candidates for uterine fibroid embolization. However, similar to other surgical interventions, it is important to be deemed a candidate prior to the procedure. During your consultation, your past medical history and future family planning goals will be discussed to ensure UFE is right for you.

Is the Uterine Fibroid Embolization Painful?

Uterine fibroid embolization is usually performed under local anesthesia, which anesthetizes the area of catheter insertion. In general, the procedure is well tolerated by most patients. However, it is important to note that some women may experience post-embolization syndrome. The symptoms may include:

  • Pelvic pain. As your fibroids shrink, you may develop pelvic pain discomfort. Note, that this should not be excruciating pain. The discomfort is usually similar to that associated with your menstrual cycle.
  • Cramping. This may accompany feelings of pelvic pain after the procedure.
  • Fever. Some patients may develop a low-grade fever.
  • Feelings of fatigue. You may feel a little tired after UFE, however, this is short-lived and will resolve quickly.

What Are the Risks Associated With Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

When performed by an experienced interventional radiologist or vein specialist, uterine fibroid embolization is a safe procedure. However, similar to other types of interventional procedures, there is a slight risk of thrombosis, infection, pain at the insertion site, and possible adverse reaction to anesthesia. Prior to the procedure, all of the risks and benefits, Dr. Sood will discuss to ensure you understand the risks completely.

Our team will talk to you about your options and help you identify the best path forward for you. Contact us today at 301-622-5360.

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Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm
Weekends: Closed

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